Cotton and Lime is a local bookshop coming to Dumfries, VA. They were looking for a logo and branding design. I started off their project by talking with the owners about their creative brief, going over what makes their shop different than others and how they wanted to differentiate themselves in the marketplace. Something that repeatedly came up was the idea of a cozy and quaint place that also features lots of local artisans' goods and also created a community place to come together for events.
I presented three mood boards to them to get everyone on the same page and from there created several logo ideas that were presented to them. I wanted to capture the quintessential cozy bookshop vibe that you see in movies with roaring fireplaces, brown paper packages, ribbons, and blankets. I also wanted to incorporate an image or icon that brought in literature in a novel way. I chose the fox from asoeops fables, and because it has a magical, sweet, woodland creature tale to it. I paired the illustration with a clean serif font that is fresh and modern, without being too contemporary.
I wrote a tagline for the company, "a community nookshop". I thought it was important that we bring in the community to the logo without having it predicated on a specific location. I came up with "nookshop" based on the quaint, cozy brand the client wants to convey.
Overall, this was a huge success with the client and I can't wait to see them open their doors this year!